Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) Prescription Drug

Introducing Baton Rouge's first provider of generic Mounjaro - compounded and ready to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Our FDA-approved Tirzepatide/B6 compound is designed to treat obesity and aid in weight loss with a once-weekly dosing regimen that starts at 2.5mg and can be titrated up to 10mg depending on patient needs.We understand that weight loss is a journey unique to every individual, which is why when coupled with our compound, a high protein, low carb diet can help you achieve success. While results may vary, some of our patients have experienced weight loss of greater than 10lbs per month.So, what sets our compound apart from other weight loss options on the market? Tirzepatide is made up of two peptides - GLP-1 and GIP - which work to decrease your hunger and slow down the movement of food through your digestive tract without raising insulin levels or lowering your blood sugar. This means that our compound is safe for Type 2 Diabetics who have elevated blood sugar, as it can also help to lower their total blood glucose.Don't wait to start your weight loss journey - contact us today to learn more about our compounded Tirzepatide/B6 compound and how it can help you achieve your goals.

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